Welcome back to the 2011 - 2012 school year. We hope you had a wonderful summer break, filled with opportunities to learn and grow. We know you share our enthusiasm as we embark on our journey together towards a successful school year. As the principal of Defer, it is my goal to continue the greatness of Defer Elementary. The staff and I are committed to delivering a high quality education for your child in a safe and caring environment.
The Defer Elementary staff is working hard on their School Improvement plans for the year. Our goals include math, reading, and writing. Last year our staff placed heavy emphasis on the teaching of writing and our professional development and Professional Learning Community time focused on Writing Workshop, a method for teaching and improving writing. Our work in this area will continue this year as we grow as teachers in this method and strive to improve student writing. The District focus this year is Reading. A year-long professional development plan is in place for the entire elementary staff on Reading Workshop. This program emphasizes the interaction between readers and text. Students learn to ask questions, make connections with prior knowledge and previously read texts, and ask questions to clarify faulty comprehension they recognize has occurred. The program includes peer conferences and teacher conferences with students, but emphasizes students’ independence and allows them to become successful readers outside of the classroom. One of the initial components we will be using is a program entitled Making Meaning, which uses a class read-aloud novel to generate deep discussions. We are excited about this new approach to the teaching of reading and our work with the Defer students in this area.
Parents make a big difference when it comes to your child’s education. After all, you are their first and primary educator. Remember that no matter how small the task, the little bit of encouragement or the extra time we spend with our children can make all the difference. Enjoy the school year with your child. Be a part of their education. Make it a shared partnership of cooperation,communication and caring.
I encourage you to attend the Defer Back-to-School night on September 22nd at 7:00 PM in the school gym. This is one of the first important steps you take as a parent in support of your child’s education. Teachers will have the opportunity to share the academic program and goals for the year. As a parent, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can best support that education. The partnership between home, the school, and the child is a key factor in your child’s success in school. Please mark your calendars and join us. Your child will thank you!