As we approach the end of 2011, here are a few helpful reminders:
Don’t park in the parking lot – The parking lot is not intended for parking for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up. Please park on Kercheval, Balfour, or Nottingham in the areas designated for this.
Cross Kercheval and Nottingham with the Crossing Guards – Please don’t have your child cross between cars on Nottingham or down the street on Kercheval. There is constant traffic in these areas and your child’s life is being endangered as they weave between cars and dodge traffic.
Help your Child be on time for School Each Day - Students that arrive late are missing out on important instruction and interrupt the learning of others.
Please use the buzzer system to enter the building – Please don’t hold the doors open for parents to enter and for late students. We can’t keep your child safe if we don’t know who is coming into the building.
Please allow your child to come into school on their own – We have been in school for over three months and all students can make it in the building alone and be independent. Coming into the building interrupts our morning meet and greet by our staff. Kindergarten students may be assisted coming into the building.
Only use the Nottingham lane closest to the building for pick-up/drop-off – Please do not park in this lane. If you wish to park on Nottingham you must use the south side of the street.
Heat food at home for lunch – Our microwaves in the lunchroom are intended for 30 second reheats. Having enough time for lunch is hampered by long microwave lines. Do not send meals that require cooking time in the microwave. Also, send your child with a paper plate for reheating.
Make after school plans before your child leaves in the morning – Be sure to establish what your after school procedures will be with your child. We cannot supervise students after school in our office. You will need to sign up for Kids’ Club if you can’t pick up your child at dismissal or make arrangements with another family.
Watch the weather – As the snow flies this winter, generally students will not be allowed on the field to play without wearing boots and snow pants. Mittens are lost on a daily basis. Consider labeling your child’s outer wear.
Please greet your child outside at the end of the day – Each classroom teacher has a dismissal procedure. Please wait outside for your child to be released at the end of each day.
Thank you for helping us keep Defer running smoothly! Enjoy your break with family and friends.