Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome Spring!!

With all this nice weather it is a good time to review some guidelines so that Defer
students are a part of a healthy, safe, and orderly learning environment.


• Even though we have had warm weather and we have had some beautiful days,
we all know that Michigan weather will prevail so please send your child to
school prepared for a day of sunshine and warmth or a mid April cold snap.

• Children should wear or keep a jacket at school. Students are allowed to go to
recess without a coat if the temperature reaches 60 ° or higher.

• Clothing should be clean and in good repair.

• Safe footwear must be worn at all times. Bedroom slippers are not allowed.
‘Flip-flops’ or sandals are permitted, but only if socks are worn with them. Our
playground has wood chips and a student in flip-flops is susceptible to foot injury
without socks.

• Shorts and skirts must be at least finger tip length.

• Tank tops are not allowed.

• Tops and bottoms must meet in the middle with no gaps.

Bike Safety

• Students riding their bikes to school need to lock them in the bike racks located
at the Nottingham end of the school.

• Elementary students ride bikes on the sidewalk, not on the street.
Walking Safety

• Any student crossing Kercheval Ave. must cross at the light in front of Defer with
the assistance of our Crossing Guard.

• Students are not to walk through the parking lot. This is very unsafe. Little
people are difficult to see among the cars.

• Students are not to ‘hop’ the fence at the back end of the Defer field.

• Students should be walking to and from school in pairs or in groups.
Automobile Safety

• Do not use the parking lot to drop off or pick up students. This is for the safety
of all of our students.

• Do not park on Kercheval unless it is in an area marked for parking.

• The east side of Nottingham is a drop off and pick up lane. It is not to be used
for parking. The west side of Nottingham is intended for parking.

• Cross Nottingham with the crossing guard. Do not cross Nottingham in the middle of the street.