The Dragon Run was a phenomenal event. Yes, our PTO listened to our families and went out on a limb and decided to hold just one fundraiser this year. And yes, through this fundraiser we were able to far surpass our wildest expectations and raised over $15,000.00. And yes, there are going to be wonderful opportunities made available to our students because of the Dragon Run. But, for me, the Dragon Run was so much more than raising money. For me, it showcased the true spirit of Defer. And for me, it was the overwhelming number of memorable moments. Hard to say what was the favorite.
Was it the group of spirited 5th graders who lead the entire school is our warm-up version of Whip Nay Nay and the sea of rainbow colored t-shirts dancing along and putting their own special moves into the mix?
Was it the students’ faces when they walked through the green and white balloon arch?
Was it the lower elementary students lining up at the starting line with their official Dragon Run running bibs pinned to their shirts?
Was it the Kindergarten students taking off in a pack at the start line only to run a few paces, tumble to the ground, pick themselves up, and keep charging around the course?
Was it the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders sitting around the outside of the course yelling out cheers to every Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade student as they participated?
Was it the spirited shout outs that every family took time to send into us so that their child got that message that says – I love you and I’m proud of you!
Was it the parents that ran the course with the students?
Was it the students who ran for all their might losing shoes along their way and never stopping or caring?
Was it the students who asked me to run a lap with them and were proud to hold the principal’s hand as they ran the course?
Was it the Dragon stripe of green paint on their cheeks that students proudly displayed on their faces?
Was it the red faces who with a sense of pride and accomplishment picked up their bottle of water as they completed the run?
Was it the 5th grade boys sitting on a bench with a Kindergarten student calling themselves his training team?
Was it the parents, grandparents, younger siblings, and guests cheering our Defer Dragons along the sidelines and sharing the moment as a community?
Hard to say . . . . .
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